On the 11th January, HK, Mary-Jane and I moved to West Cumbria. The whys and the wherefores are for another time. We are here and starting to get used to it, although in reality I think it will take a while, but we are being as positive as we can. Getting out and about lifts my spirits as much as cuddling up to HK in bed at night.
Onto the first photo - all the photos are a bit random - I made these decorations in the days running up to Christmas. They were inspired by an idea in HobbyCraft. They are very easy to make. Cut two heart shapes out of felt, I used a baking cutter as a template. On one piece, sew some buttons of your choice. Sandwich the two heart together, with some wadding or stuffing. Sew together with some thick embroidery thread, including some pretty ribbon to hang the finished thing with. Ta-da. Simples, in the words of a cute meerkat!
Last Sunday, we went for a walk around Whitehaven. It was a fresh, sunny January day, so here is me being rather windswept after a walk around the harbour. We tell Mary-Jane that we have to strap her into her pram otherwise the big seagulls will swoop down, take her and carry her off to sea. She just looks bemused back at us.
LOVE the Polar Bear thingy . . I know it has a name but, for the life of me, I can't remember thisname.
Also, LOVE the picture of you two on the boardwalk . . you just look SO HAPPY ! ! ! ! ! !
I loved MJ in her polar bear outfit. Unfortunately she has grown out of it ALREADY!!
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