Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Yarn Gathering Launch Party

Saturday saw the long awaited Launch Party of Yarn Gathering. Yarn Gathering is my friend Jeanette's Yarn shop in Stone. It was a very exciting day and we all gathered to wish Jeanette every success in the new venture! There seemed to be a lot of interest from passers by as well!

The Cake needs a special mention here, it was really well done and very scrummy!

Here is the Lady Of The Moment - Jeanette - cutting the cake with help from her grand-daughter. Looking on is Donna and Helen, wonderful Mums!
Donna, Helen and Rachel Sally - aka The Mad One!
View of the shop, with assorted people with Linda aka 'oooooooooooooooh Linda I've dropped a stitch help!' Linda is brilliant at picking up stitches and putting right what you've done wrong!
Sylvia and Linda, with Bob ready to hand out the flyers to the public! Beleive me he did a very good job!

Yours Truly, trying to ignore all feelings of queasiness and related grots. I am sporting my Stolen Moments Shawl, which I have evetnually finished and just had to show it off!

So if you are every near Stone, call in to the Shop! I will sort out links to the shop, classes and meetings, so watch this space!
Good Luck to Jeanette and Yarn Gathering!!

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