Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Peaches N Cream

This morning I gave in to self pressure and curiosity about Peaches N Cream yarn for face cloths etc. The Americans extoll its virtues mercilessly and endlessly. So off I went in search of it. First stop was their home page. I'm converted. The colours I want at least one of everyone and that wasn't even looking properly, I had to clickaway from the page in awesome shock. It was like going in to Wonderland and then finding that Wonderland was Wonderglobe as there was just so much of it!

But shipping, dear shipping was a black cloud. I then put a four pack of randomly selected colour in to my basket - $5.08 - what a bargain for the yarn. Then it was the cost of shipping. $25 or $32. Stuff that.

The dream dissapated as quickly as it arrived. I've had a quick look round to buy in the UK, nothing yet.

I ain't paying that sort of postage. No chuffing way. Don't care how wonderful it is! I shall have to find a back door to Wonderglobe!

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