Saturday, 19 April 2008

Found a light

Another up and down day.

I've taken some better pictures of some of the yarn for the store. I've photo'd and tagged all this lot (as opposed to bagged and tagged....) plus probably half as much again and am now about half way through sorting it all. And only two skeins on my store shelves hahaha!
I've found a pattern today for a skinny scarf that I'm itching to cast on. Dilemma as to which yarn to use, but have got it narrowed down to oooh about four or six. Have also come across a pouch/phone cosy that I wouldn't mind having a go at. The possibilities are endless. Does my napper in when I think about it!! I keep thinking that I must finish the baby cardi before the baby grows into the next size d'oh, but I suppose one more evening won't make too much difference.....
I threw a major sulk this morning as we talked briefly about me going back to work. I don't think I've told Hobbit Keeper the full everything that goes on at work, so his informed opinion is not that well informed. He has said again that I should go back to work on the Main Unit, as offered, at least for financial stability till something else comes along. One of my gripes is that I would probably have to be there at least a year before I could realistically apply for another post due to my levels of sickness. So that would be another year of being shouted at, potential for physical abuse and all the rest of the mind games and crap that goes with the territory.
I feel that my heartfelt leap of faith, my jump to hyperspace, just hasn't been good enough. Things happening for a reason is a bitter pill to swallow at the moment. I don't want to give it much more thought. It's not the first time a husband of mine has told me to carry on working in a violent environment for the money or to help keep the roof over out heads. The motivations have been different each time. But it does make me think back and opens a can of worms, half my head is back in another, much darker time, a time which still haunts me.
Anyhow enough of that morbidity.
The chicken DesRes is coming along, nearly finished.
Got some Banty eggs from Mum today. They're are small compared to what we're used to, then again we do normally have the large eggs. We shall have to get used to smaller eggs, can't wait, cos they're are going to be soooo delicious. Fancy just going into the garden and getting fresh eggs!


Lily said...

Ooooh fresh eggs and chips!! Sounds almost as delicious as all that yarn looks! Love the greens on the back row - but then you could probably have guessed that anyway :-/


CarpeDyem said...

Now you've set me off thinking.....Aunt Bessie's chips and banty eggs for supper..... yum yum!